Product Guide

Purple Cushion Review

Purple Cushion Review: All You Need to Know

Purple took the mattress world by storm when it released the Original Purple mattress, which uses Purple’s patented super-elastic polymer for a unique touch. Then, in 2018, Purple released the New Purple mattress collection, which includes Purple 2, Purple 3, and Purple 4. Thankfully, for those who want to try out the Purple Mattress technology on a smaller

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Types of Purple Pillow

Types of Purple Pillow: What’s the Best Option for You?

No matter how much you toss and turn, finding the perfect pillow can take years. Just ask the creators of Purple, brothers Tony and Terry Pierce, who have dedicated their careers to mastering the science of comfort. If you haven’t heard of Purple — the company that invented the soft purple checkered mattress — you might

Types of Purple Pillow: What’s the Best Option for You? Read More »